June 17, 2024

How to Encourage Teammates to Return to the Office

Jade Brooks Sr. - Content Marketing Manager at VendiBean

The working environment has undoubtedly changed significantly during the last two years. Many businesses set up a permanent remote-work policy, and most individuals who held office positions switched to work-from-home or remote models. However, it isn't always possible; in some situations, employees must be present on-site based on company requirements and industrial conditions.

Being remotely working is an easy and less stressful task for employees. It also can be beneficial to productivity. 

Instead of pushing teammates back into the office, companies devise ideas to persuade them to return to an office environment. Now companies are ready to welcome their teammates back into the offices with practical ideas to attract employees with different types of incentives.

Ideas for encouraging employees to switch from remote work to work-from-office arrangements include incentives and return-to-work bonuses. Ones that come to mind include stipends for pets, childcare perks, and flexible work arrangements.

These exercises are designed to make the transition from working remotely to an actual office setting for employees easier. Motivators for returning to work will ensure that employees continue to produce.

Recommendations for Making the Return-To-Work Easier

Making the transition back to work as easy as possible is challenging. First of all, be aware that certain workers will always prefer working from home, and there isn't much you can do to change it. 

Forcing an employee to return to the office has the risk of backfiring and making them look for work elsewhere, which is why handling the situation delicately and being adaptable are crucial.

The following few suggestions will help you return to work without incident:

Chances for Career Development

Career development options for employees are excellent return-to-work rewards that will also help your business expand. For instance, you can cover all or part of the team's school loans. 

Repaying student loans enables employees who wish to pursue further education without worrying about securing additional funding. Another benefit you can give your staff is a tuition welfare program, allowing companies to cover all or part of their college expenses. It also gives employees time off to attend off-site training and conferences and consider doing workshops inside the workplace.

Career development programs are essential for organizations that seek to promote top talented workforce to senior management.

Present financial incentives

Have you considered giving employees who agree to return to work financial incentives? You can offer bonuses to staff who work on-site or even gift cards or vouchers instead of a pay increase. 

Another choice is to provide employees with a stipend for gas or public transportation, as saving money on these costs is one of the significant advantages of working remotely. Employees who return could be rewarded with longer paid vacation days or shorter work weeks in addition to one-time bonuses.

Fun Activities

Organizing fun activities in the events to mark the arrival of employees back at the office. These types of activities can motivate and approach other team members to return to their work locations.

Companies could organize entertaining activities at the end of each week rather than holding only one event. Fun activities can motivate staff, strengthen team relationships, and help develop talent. A mix of entertaining and informative activities is an excellent strategy for corporation pop-up events.

Ideas for entertaining office events

  • Treasure hunts
  • Breakout rooms
  • Picnics
  • birthday celebrations
  • drinking wine
  • Cook-offs
  • Office sports
  • comedy classes
  • talent displays

You can begin by sending an open invitation to the entire team to a sizable celebration on the company property. Regular Fun gatherings will develop a sense of connection and enhance the workplace atmosphere.

No-Cost Meals

Employees who work remotely do not have to worry about the exorbitant cost of takeout lunches. Free meals may seem like a slight advantage, but they can successfully encourage your staff to work again in an actual office setting. 

Sharing meals is another brilliant strategy businesses may utilize to promote employee communication, particularly following a remote working arrangement.

Ideas for free meals:

  • Offer catered lunch and breakfast
  • Upgrading the office coffee maker and offering a variety of beverages and snacks
  • Have days when food trucks are available.
  • Create a fun snack station with a variety of sweet and healthful snacks.

A clever method to promote team bonding and raise employee engagement is to hold regular get-togethers with coworkers over food and beverages. Additionally, free lunches will reduce employees' expenses in purchasing food and beverages at work.

Invest in office facilities

Consider what office amenities you could include improving the workspace's aesthetics for employees. Invest in keeping a workplace where employees want to spend time because everyone is happier and more productive in a clean, organized setting. To make the actual room a little cozier, you may consider including plants and wall art. The tiny things add up in the end!

Setting up for Coffee station

An office coffee machine is a simple (but very effective) way to enhance staff well-being. Coffee use at work has several positive effects on productivity and health.

Without access to premium coffee at work, employees struggle to perform. If you want your staff to generate important work, the best thing an organization can do is provide them with a great coffee experience.

With the Vendi bean Coffee Machine, a barista-quality coffee experience is now accessible in the typical office setting. Offering Vendi bean coffee machines to employees is a great way to keep people on board and boost their confidence.

Getting a coffee machine for the office can encourage and demonstrate your appreciation for your employees, their work, and your desire to provide them with the most excellent working environment.

Wrapping Up! 

Stepping outside of one's comfort zone when working remotely can be challenging for both the employer and the employee. Companies regularly face difficulties convincing employees to return to the office despite having different working conditions. Learn more about Innovative concepts that can help you keep your post-pandemic workforce.

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